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A Blonde & Her Bag Case Study


The main problem Kaylin (owner of A Blonde & Her Bag) was facing was that most of the sales/customers they were getting were from marketplaces like Zulily which meant they were at the mercy of the marketplaces and had far lower profit margins. Advertising the website was attempted but not many sales were made. Facebook Ads were tried with little to no success. The only thing that drove sales were marketplace qr code cards that drove traffic from the marketplace to the site. Outside of that little to no sales were being made.

challenges & objectives

In light of the aforementioned problem, the objective for A Blonde & Her Bag was to be able to market the website better so that more sales could be generated through the D2C front resulting in much higher profit margins and more control over the brand identity and customer experience. This had a couple of major challenges though since the budget available was limited ($500) and the prices on the website had to be higher than on Marketplaces like Zulily. To combat this Kaylin would create large discounts (70% for first time buyers) to make the prices more affordable and this would partially work but compromise her margins which in part defeated the point of going D2C.


A Blonde & Her Bag is a jewellery company based in Sausalito California owned by Kaylin Fox. They feature handmade jewellery from rings, necklaces to earrings and bracelets and are also on Zulily & other marketplaces. Dezino started working back in September 2021 and continues to work with A Blonde & Her Bag to this day.

solution / how we helped

Before any advertising was done Dezino analysed the previous ads run and the website and decided to revamp the entire website to give a fresh new look to do justice to the jewellery pieces. This also involved changing the logo, adding a favicon, doing model shoots and retaking photos and taking videos which Kaylin’s team handled. Dezino handled the editing of the photos and the manual adding of over 1000 products to their respective product pages. The site went through major changes/iterations as can be seen in the gallery section below. The site took a lot of effort to build but was well worth it as it provided key trust building elements such as yotpo reviews, happy customer reviews, back in stock notifications and more. 


In addition to the website being modified all the social media channels to have the new logo and have more optimised cover backgrounds. For Instagram the highlights were optimised to look much more professional (as can be seen in the gallery below)


With the website complete the next phase was advertising which consisted of Facebook Ad and Email Marketing. When it comes to Facebook Ads Dezino created beautiful creatives to showcase the best sellers of A Blonde & Her Bag along with new products in a compelling way to give viewers a taste of each category. Dezino also did thorough audience research with its Facebook Partner tools to determine the correct audience to use in addition to A/B testing several levels of lookalike audiences. The creatives in combination with this targeting strategy proved to be successful and later with retargeting resulted in an increase in sales and repeat customers.


The increase in sales was also thanks to Email Marketing and SMS Campaigns. The email marketing used to be done through MailChimp. Dezino helped implement campaigns on MailChimp and then helped Kaylin transition over to Klaviyo which was better integrated with Shopify. Additionally Dezino helped A Blonde & Her Bag set up Attentive to use for SMS Campaigns. Dezino also helped construct methods for collecting new subscribers such as by optimising the site pop ups by doubling down on the strategy that already worked for Kalylin (the QR Code strategy where traffic from marketplaces was pulled). A Blonde & Her Bag expanded to more marketplaces and Dezino created more QR codes to help distinguish where the traffic was coming from. More importantly however the email flows were optimised and new ones were created. For example Dezino optimised the abandoned cart flow to create a limited time discount to entice potential customers to buy sooner rather than later and potentially forget. Dezino also created new flows such as a Thank You flow that gave a personalised thank you from the CEO to customers to make buyers feel more special and thus more likely to be loyal to the brand and spread the word. For email campaigns Dezino also suggested and implemented an idea of offering gifts for purchases that hit certain values to encourage higher purchase order values which proved to be successful.


Finally beyond improving D2C sales Dezino was also able to assist in helping A Blonde & Her Bag with optimising and improving B2B by not only selling on marketplaces but also expanding the wholesaler network on brandboom as can be seen in the screenshots in the gallery below: 



Graphic Design

Facebook & Instagram Ads

Website Revamp


Email & SMS Marketing




All in all the above services and more resulted in A Blonde & Her Bag doubling their sales in just a year (as can be seen in the screenshots in the gallery below) with only a $500 increase in ad spending from $500 USD / month (during the 2021 year) to $1000 USD / month (during the 2022 year). This budget being used for Facebook Ads combined with the email marketing and wholesaling efforts results in great returns. For example, before Dezino started working with A Blonde & Her Bag in September A Blonde & Her Bag made $2,0029.24 in the month of August 2021. In September 2021 in the first month of working with Dezino they were able to make $7,850.17 and then $14,920.21 in November 2021. Fast Forward 1 year and in November 2022 they made $33,017.98. Thus, with the help of Dezino, A Blonde & Her Bag was able to dramatically increase their sales and ROI. 

Hasan & his team are fantastic to work with! He really goes the extra mile. For example, he offered to do the site revamp for us for free because he knew it would be important to get sales. He really puts his actions where his words are and I am very grateful to work with him and the Dezino team :)

Kaylin Fox

CEO, Founder, A Blonde & Her Bag


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